Love SMS
We help you to convey your thoughts in simple and stylish way. Choosing the right words for the right person is sometimes a little difficult. We realize that problem and have collected innumerous Love SMS for you to chose and message it to your loved ones. The wide variety includes Cute Love SMS, Romantic Love SMS, Sweet Love SMS, Sad Love SMS, Quotes Love SMS, Poetry Love SMS, Valentine’s Day Love SMS, Funny Love SMS, Naughty Love SMS and so much more.
Great love quote:
Great love quote:
BOY- Dear,
Why u always hurt me & break my heart?
Girk- I alwys use to break ur heart to just replace my heart there..
"Think twice before
"Think twice before
leaving space in
someone's heart,
because its difficult to
realize the pain when
you see someone else
filling your space"
U Know
U Know
1 & 1 Makes 2.
U Also Know
1 & 1 Makes 11.
Do U Know.
1 & 1 Makes 1 ???
Just Fall In Love.
Words of Lover Boy:
Words of Lover Boy:
My eyes know that
i m not perfect match for him.
my heart has no eyes or ears,
So it's been beating for her
AmaziNg QuestioN:
Why Do the Words
Needs aN aNswer,
Though All of Us feel
It Is Not A QuestioN.,
ThiNk on It.
If U Hav Love In UR Life,
It Can Make Up 4 A
Great Many Things U Lack.
If U Dont Have It, No Matter What Else There Is,
Its Not Enough..
Red is For Blood
Red is For Blood
Blood is For Heart
Heart is For Love
Love is For You
You is for Me
Me is For You.;-)
Love You Dear…!:-P
If Sum1 really waits 4u,
If Sum1 really waits 4u,
It doesn't mean he has nothing else 2do
Its just mean dat nothing else is More
important Than u in dis world