Love SMS
We help you to convey your thoughts in simple and stylish way. Choosing the right words for the right person is sometimes a little difficult. We realize that problem and have collected innumerous Love SMS for you to chose and message it to your loved ones. The wide variety includes Cute Love SMS, Romantic Love SMS, Sweet Love SMS, Sad Love SMS, Quotes Love SMS, Poetry Love SMS, Valentine’s Day Love SMS, Funny Love SMS, Naughty Love SMS and so much more.
What Is Luv?
What Is Luv?
Asked In A Survey,
Answered By A 5 Year Girl,
'Luv Is Wen U Tell A Boy
That U Like His Shirt
He Starts Wearing It Everyday'
Love Is No Secret
Love Is No Secret
Express What You
Have Inside
If The Both Of You
You Will Realize A
New Thing You Know
You Are In Love … 🙂
Don't Wait Until
Don't Wait Until
Its 2 Late 2 Tell
How Much U Love
How Much U Care
When They r Gone
No Matter
How Loud U Cry
They Won't Hear U
Anymore !!!
1 of d gr8 2 lines of Eng poem
1 of d gr8 2 lines of Eng poem
"Ice melts when heated
Eyes melts when hurted".
So don't hurt any1 who luvz u!!
if you think i love you,you will never get it. but
if you think i love you,you will never get it. but its your belief that can make me love u if i dont ……
for my spirits you just need to believe
A woman goes 2 a dentist 4 tooth extraction
A woman goes 2 a dentist 4 tooth extraction
doc tells her 2 lie down and gets ready with tools
lady lifts her skirt,doc says im not a gynacologist im dentist
she says i want to get my hubbys tooth removed
Love Is When
Love Is When
You're in love with
You've no need to say
"good-bye", because
You're always in Each
Others Heart …
Staying Forever There .. 🙂
"Think twice before leaving a
"Think twice before leaving a
space in someones heart,
because its difficult to realize the pain
when you see someone else filling your space"
Each drop of a tear is costly
Each drop of a tear is costly
than anything in world!
no one knows its value
until they have it
in their own eyes for someone!