Friendship SMS
Friendship is a pure relationship filled with innumerable memories to share. It adds so many different shades to one’s life. We have so many friends around us with whom we can care and share. A great way to show your care is to send Friendship SMS to your contacts from our compilation of Funny Friendship SMS, Cute Friendship SMS, Miss you Friendship SMS, New Friendship SMS, Naughty Friendship SMS, Cool Friendship SMS, Loving Friendship SMS, Caring Friendship SMS and much more.
A. B. C of Friendship:
A. B. C of Friendship:
X: "Xamine your motives before you 'help' out".
Y: "Your words count, use them wisely".
Z: "Zip your lips when told a secret"
A. B. C of friendship:
A. B. C of friendship:
U: "Use good judgement".
V: "Verbalize your feelings".
W: "Wish them luck, hopefully good!"
A. B. C of friendship:
A. B. C of friendship:
S: "Say you're sorry, don't let them assume it".
T: "Talk frequently, communication is important".
A. B. C of friendship:
A. B. C of friendship:
Q: "Quietly disagree, noisy No's make enemies".
R: "Really listen, a friendly car is soothing balm".
A. B. C of friendship:
A. B. C of friendship:
O: "Offer to help, and know when "No Thanks" is just politeness".
P: "Praise them honestly and openly".