Latest SMS Messages
Days ContinuoS TO PaaS,
Days ContinuoS TO PaaS,
StaR ContinuoS to ShinE,
WhY ShuD I BrinG TearS IN MY EyeS,
WheN ShE WaS NeveR MinE….**
Jo aasani se mile wo hai gam…
Jo aasani se mile wo hai gam…
Jo mushkil se mile wo hai Rum…
Jo kisi-2 ko mile wo hai Dum…
Jo sirf nasseb walon ko mile wo hain..
I am not a clock that can SMS u 24hrs a day,
I am not a clock that can SMS u 24hrs a day,
but my heart will be like a clock that will nonstop care,
Love n pray 4 a spl frend like u.
|''''V''''| r
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|….| |…| | …) …) U
In whatever u do….
Remember that someone over here
is thinking of U…
It's difficult to find someone like U,
It's difficult to find someone like U,
its like opening a 100 shells under the sea to find 1 pearl.
But finding U makesthe dive worthwhile!
This is my LAST message of d day 4 d person I care
This is my LAST message of d day 4 d person I care & luv
FIRST & d person that came into my mind is U….
so juz wanna wish you good nite…
Life brings Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gam, When it ends N
Life brings Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gam, When it ends NA TUM JANO NA HUM,
So lets do MASTI 2gether, who knows KAL HO NA HO,
but whenever u need a frend, MAIN HOON NA!
LEAVES dont' just FALL from the tree,
LEAVES dont' just FALL from the tree,
CLOUDS don't just FORM in the sky,
ANGELS don't just COME DOWN from heaven n
I don't just SMS any1 unless they r SPECIAL.
When it rains,
When it rains,
u don't see
the sun,
but its there,
hope we can
be like that,
we don't see
each other,
but we'll alwz
be there
4 each other…